

Item# Mulli-Tea
EC's Mulli-Tea is our "Mullein Only" tea blend requested by many of our customers. So if you're looking for Mullein Tea without anything else added to it, we are delivering just that! 100% Organic Mullein Leaf tea!


Mullein is a biennial herbaceous member of the Scrophulariaceae family. Dioscorides, a Greek physician pharmacologist and botanist, practicing in the 1st century in Rome, who authored the herbal De Materia Medica, was one of the first to recommend mullein use in lung conditions around 2,000 years ago.

The root was made into a necklace for teething infants by the Abnaki tribe, the Cherokee applied the leaves as a poultice for cuts and swollen glands, and other tribes rubbed the leaves on the body during ritual sweat bathes. Additionally, the flowers were used internally as teas and topically as poultices. The Navajos smoked mullein, referring to it as "big tobacco" and the Amish were known to partake as well. Native Americans and the Amish smoked the dried leaves to relax the lungs when respiratory coughing was uncontrollable, or breathing became too difficult. Some have noted that making a smudge of the leaves is sufficient as well.

Mullein is traditionally used for its ability to promote the discharge of mucus and to soothe mucous membranes. Mullein is classified in the herbal literature as both an expectorant, to promote the discharge of mucus, and a demulcent, to soothe and protect mucous membranes.

Preparations made from mullein leaves and flowers date back for thousands of years as treatments for asthma, coughs, TB, and some bacterial infections. Infusions, powders, and tinctures can be taken orally, in capsules or used topically. An oil made from steeping the flowers in oil has been documented to soothe earaches when a few drops are applied. Poultices of wrapped leaves have been used to aid in healing burns and minor wounds.

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For educational purposes only.

We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

*Each pouch comes with 10 full sized tea bags that can be reused at least one more time after your 1st cup or pot of tea.
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